I could see from a photo that one of the parts was a Rain Bird 32SA sprinkler. Dave Syczylo’s site showed some pics, but didn’t list the parts.
With the stock & barrel taking shape, it was time to begin on the scope. If I need to disassemble the rifle, I can easily unsnap these 2 straps and then unscrew the barrel. The straps have little knobs inside and “snap” on top of the EMT conduit. I shaved off the “ears” with a dremel & metal cutting bit. I covered the tops of the screws with 1/2″ EMT 2 hole straps. I secured the barrel to the stock by drilling 2 holes in the 1/2″ EMT conduit and placing 2 wood screws through the pipe into the wood. Will paint it flat black and apply a faux gunmetal finish using graphite powder and satin clear finish. To cover the rear of the barrel on the stock, I purchased a 1/2″ pvc elbow and cut it lengthwise. I used a cheap 1/4″ trim router with a core box bit from Harbor Freight to channel out some space for the 1/2″ EMT conduit barrel. I cut the stock with a jigsaw and sanded the edges down with a mouse sander. I purchased some 1 inch (3/4″ actual) x 12″ x 8′ wood from Lowes, glued it together, and let it sit overnight.
Like many Tuskens before me, I used the stock template from Studio Creations.
These are a few of the ideas that I borrowed from his build. I also liked the cabling he used between the stock and scope. The copper added a splash of color and made it look “scrappy”. I particularly liked how he secured the barrel and ramrod by using a carved out a piece of aluminum, supplemented with copper wire wrapping. I also referred to a build by Plastic Fury on the Krayt Clan forums. I really like the scope on this build, and used most of Dave’s ideas when constructing this component. The first cycler that I bookmarked was from Dave Syczylo. I began researching the weapon and found 2 builds that interested me. Because I’m working on a Tusken Raider costume, I chose to build the Tusken sniper rifle. Coming off of the T-21 Light Reapeating Blaster build, I was anxious to get started on my next scratch build.